Eclips Corporation UK Ltd
Zero Emission Waste Management
Company Profile
Power Generation
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UK Company Number: 3167131
Authorised Share Capital:  800,000 Shares
Number of Shareholders:  63 as of 1st March 2018

UK Private Equity Investment

The Company is qualified under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) with major benefits for equity investment between £600 - £1 million by any individual subject to UK tax. 
Private investors seeking a long term environmental investment with 30% UK tax relief should contact the company - for more detailed information.

1. Immediate EIS 30% tax relief on investment.
2. No capital gains tax if investment held for 3 years.
3. No inheritance tax.
4. If company fails a further 40% tax relief on balance of investment.
(contact the company for a business plan and to purchase shares)

EIS explained with investment examples - download (36kb)

Global Investment Growth Potential

  Market Sector – ECLIPS is a unique clean energy from waste (EfW)
technology with 100% carbon capture and further design developments for power station coal-cleaning & hydrogen production as a future fuel source.

  Market History – An extensive market research programme has already been carried out by the company in China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, the Middle East and Europe where projects valued in excess of US$8.5 billion have already been identified.

  Commercialisation - Company’s strategy is to win market share quickly by licensing the Eclips technology through exclusive territorial Joint Venture partnerships thereby capitalising on local business culture to win EfW contracts whilst taking a royalty and equity share in the revenue stream of each project.

Substantial interest already obtained in China, Korea, Japan, Thailand & UK

  Investment Option - US$1 Million to US$1Billion long term investment opportunity into environmental sustainable clean energy via Joint Venture participation, equity ownership or capital loans with tranched or phased
option possibilities.

  Potential Yield  –  Exponential returns project minimum IRR of +35% with significant downside risk protection & US$Billion global sales potential. Individual EfW projects indicate ‘Break Even’ return points of 5 to 8 year with +25 year lifetime revenue streams per project.

  Indicative Investment Returns 
Assuming min 20 x 250 tne/day plants in 10 years - calculated IRR > 35%
Assuming min 20 x 500 tne/day plants in 10 years - calculated IRR > 45%

A US$120 million investment for 1 x 500 tne/day EfW plant predicts a minimum expansion to 20 plants in 10 years with +US$450 Million annual net revenue income stream.

Contact company at - to request a Global Investment Business Plan for more detailed information.